Treatment room
To book an appointment phone the surgery or ask at reception.
The treatment room has booked appointments available every morning and afternoon except Wednesday afternoon
[There are clinic appointments running in conjunction so there is always more than one queue)

Minor Surgery
Cervical Smear Clinic
If these times do not suit please arrange a suitable appointment time with treatment room nurse.
Cervical screening is offered to all female patients (aged 18-65) at three yearly intervals. Patients will be informed in writing of the result of their smear and advised when they should make their next appointment.
These clinics are held by the practice nurses.

Asthma Clinic
Patients both adults and children are seen at this clinic for appropriate education, advice and supervision of treatment. The clinic also provides individual management plans, where appropriate and follow-up care.
We will send you a letter asking you to book an appointment for the asthma clinic. If you have not received a letter and are overdue your annual review please contact the surgery and we will book you in for an appointment.

Some patients may feel that their asthma is very well controlled and do not need to come in for an asthma review.
If this is the case please fill in the asthma annual review form and sent it to us.
The form may actual highlight that your asthma is perhaps not as well controlled as you thought.
If this is the case please contact the surgery to arrange a face to face asthma review.
This form should not be used in children under the age of 16 years old or if you have asthma that is not well controlled.
Open the Asthma Annual Review Form
Diabetic Clinic
Patients are referred to this clinic to obtain appropriate education and advice, to help maximise their effective control and reduce the risks of any complication with diabetes.
We will send you a letter asking you to book an appointment for the diabetic clinic. If you have not received a letter and are overdue your annual review please contact the surgery and we will book you in for an appointment.

Child Health and Childhood Vaccination
Tuesday 2-4pm and Thursday 9.30am
We understand it can be difficult to contact us by telephone to arrange an appointment for childhood vaccinations. If you have received a letter stating your child is due/overdue childhood vaccinations (or you think this may be the case), please contact us by email at In your email, please state the name and age of the child as well as a contact number. Please only use this email address if you wish to arrange an appointment for the childhood vaccination clinic.
Staffed by our lead practice nurse and a doctor.
Almost 10% of our patients are under five years old. We have developed this clinic to assess children as they grow, to protect and immunise them against disease and to offer parents encouragement and advice.
For further information or advice for patients in the Southern Trust (BT17) please contact Melanie Fitzpatrick Health Visitor on the following numbers:
Mobile: 0797133570
Tel: 02890306046
Working Hours: Tues-Thurs 8am -6pm Friday: 8am-5.30pm
Adult Vaccinations
Flu/Covid clinics are run each autumn (usually from the beginning of October) for the elderly and those with severe chronic medical conditions which put them at risk of illness with influenza.
We will inform you by TEXT and WEBSITE/NOTICE BOARD IN SURGERY when the clinics start.
If you are not asked to attend but feel you should have a vaccine, contact the reception for advice.
Foreign Travel
If you are travelling to South America, Mexico, Carribean, Asia or Africa you will be required to attend a PRIVATE TRAVEL CLINIC, to receive appropriate advice and non-NHS vaccinations.
Examples of local clinics are:
Masta, Boots & McKeever's chemist:- this list is not exclusive.
All NHS travel vaccinations require a booked appointment at Grosvenor Road Surgery Travel Clinic.
PLEASE ENSURE ADEQUATE TIME prior to travel as appointments are NOT guaranteed due to high demand - we recommend 6 -8 weeks.
A full range of advice and immunisations are available. It is essential to make your travel clinic arrangements well in advance of departure date. Visit our Travel Advice section.

Family Planning
Your doctor is happy to advise on all aspects of family planning and contraceptive services.
For information on free and emergency contraception, please click on the link below:
Maternity Care
To be referred to the antenatal clinic you can make an appointment with the GP or simply fill in the following self referral form Maternity Self Referral Form.
You have a choice of shared care, midwife led care or consultant led care. Discuss with your doctor or midwife which would suit you best.