Occasionally people need to top up a medication they use infrequently(such as creams, eye drops and mild painkillers).  A large number of these medications can be bought over the counter from a local pharmacy.  It is very helpful to the NHS as a whole if you would consider buying these rather than asking for a prescription.  Some of these can also be accessed via the minor ailments scheme(minor ailments).

If we have a record of you using a medication safely in the past we are often happy to re-prescribe it without seeing you.  However, some medications need a medical review before being issued.  If this is the case we will leave a written message for you at reception asking you to make an appointment with a doctor.  If we have not issued the prescription it is for medical reasons and usually for your safety.  We do not routinely re-prescribe medications which are addictive or have potential risks or side effects(for example strong painkillers and sleeping tablets).

Requests for acute prescriptions can be collected at your nominated pharmacy 72 hours after requesting it.

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